Barry Williams Music Clips
Here, you can download short clips (35-45 sec) of all the tracks on Barry's debut CD, "My Lady" and 4 samples of his NEW CD "Here We Go".  Simply click on the songs to play them! If you don't have Real Player you can click on the Real Player icon and download the FREE Real Player 8.
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Off The Album "My Lady"

Track 1 - Hold On
Track 2 - Everybody
Track 3 - Words From the Heart
Track 4 - If Wishes Were Horses
Track 5 - Sister Golden Hair
Track 6 - I'll Be Here
Track 7 - You Make Me
Track 8 - Independent Girl
Track 9 - Love Remains
Track 10 - My Lady
Track 11 - I Drove By Your Home

Off The Album "Here we go"

Track 1 - Sweet Caroline
Track 2 - Two Pina Coladas
Track 3 - The Gambler
Track 4 - Country Roads
Track 5 - The Boxer
Track 6 - Irish Mix
Track 7 - Me and Julio
Track 8 - Piano Man
Track 9 - Procedural ( Cecila)
Track 10 - Hold On
Track 11 - Me and Bobby McGee

Barry's singing dog "Skyler"
Barry's singing dog "Skyler" Skyler sings along with the song "Piano Man"

If you like what you hear, then hop over to Barry's "Ordering" section and order a copy of "My Lady" or "Here We Go" for yourself or your family. Click here

Barry Williams Music Clips
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